4: Fiber Optic Transmission Systems And Components
From this lesson you should learn:
How fiber optic data links and transmission systems work
What components are used in transceivers
Types of sources and detectors used in transceivers
Performance parameters of fiber optic transmission systems
Fiber optic transmission systems use datalinks that
consists of a transmitter on one end of a fiber and a
receiver on the other end. Most systems operate by
transmitting in one direction on one fiber and in the
reverse direction on another fiber for full duplex
operation. A FTTH passive optical network (PON) is one of
the few systems using bidirectional transmission over a
single fiber because its network architecture is based
around couplers already. Datalinks can be analog or
digital, depending on the information being transmitted.
In this lesson you will learn how fiber optic systems
transmit data.
Student Assignment:
Watch the YouTube videos, read the references and take the
quizzes (Test Your Comprehension)
YouTube Videos:
Lecture 27, Fiber Optic Datalinks
Online FOA Reference:
Optic Datalinks
Optic Transceivers for Datalinks
Division Multiplexing
Standards, FOA-5 Fiber Optic Datalinks
Book Chapter:
Reference Guide to Fiber Optics,
Chapter 4
Test Your Knowledge:
Optional - Extra Credit Reading
- Next: Lesson
5: Optical Fiber
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