2: Fiber Optic Jargon
From this lesson you should learn:
The language of fiber optics
Systems of measurements used in fiber optics
Specialized fiber optic terms
The key to understanding any technology is understanding
the language of the technology – the jargon. We’ve started
the website and book with an overview of fiber jargon to
introduce you to the language of fiber optics and help you
understand what you will be reading in the lessons. We
suggest you read this section first to help your
understanding of the rest of the course and refer back to
it when you encounter a term that you do not recognize.
Student Assignment:
Watch the video and
read either of the references before you take the quizzes
(Test Your Comprehension)
FOA YouTube Videos:
Online FOA Reference:
Optic Jargon
Book Chapter:
Reference Guide to Fiber Optics, Chapter
2 (Print Version)
Test Your Knowledge:
Optional - Extra Credit Reading (and future reference)
- Next:
Lesson 3:
Fiber Optic Communications
to Lesson Plan