Fiber U basics

Lecture 10, Fiber Optic Installation

How are fiber optic networks installed?
Objectives: From this lesson you should learn:
What is involved in a fiber optic installation
The role of the contractor and installer
How to prepare for the installation
What is involved in the installation process
How to verify the quality of the installation
Safety for fiber optic installations

Your final lesson covers fiber optic installation. After the process of designing fiber optic networks is completed, the next step is to install it. What do we mean by the “installation process?” Assuming the design is completed, we’re looking at the process of physically installing  and completing the network, turning the design into an operating system.

This is a more complex process than it may seem at first. This lesson covers preparing for the installation, requirements for training and safety and then the actual installation process. The video lecture on Cabling Project Management discusses the process of building a network, and we recommend the video to get an overview of the process.

Want to learn more about fiber optic outside plant construction? Fiber U has a course that covers OSP construction.

Student Assignment:
Watch the video, read the references and take the quizzes (Test Your Comprehension)

FOA YouTube Video:
FOA Lecture 8: Fiber Optic Installation 
FOA Lecture: Cabling Project Management 

Online FOA Reference:
Fiber Optic Installation 
Safety Rules for Fiber Optic Installation  
FOA Tech Bulletin: Installing Fiber Optic Cable Plants (PDF 0.2 MB)  
Installing Cable - General Guidelines

Book Chapter:
            FOA Reference Guide to Fiber Optics, Chapter 7

Test Your Knowledge:
Online Quiz
Take the Quiz at the end of Chapter 7 and check your answers  

Optional - Extra Credit Reading
OSP Construction.
The entire section of the FOA Guide on installation  
Prefab Cabling Systems  
Getting Training
Installation Checklist - step by step installation planning

The Role of the Contractor
Planning the Installation
Tools and Equipment
Cleaning Fiber Optic Connections
Receiving cable and components onsite
Installing a Swivel Pulling Eye on Cable
How To "Figure 8" Cable For Intermediate Pulls

Premises Site Preparation
 Lennie Lightwave You're finished - congratulations!

Get a "Certificate of Completion"
Now you have completed the Fiber U Basic Fiber Optics online self-study course, you can now take an online exam and, when you pass the exam, get a "Certificate of Completion" for this course. You should complete all lessons including taking the quiz ("Test Your Comprehension") at the end of every lesson. When you think you are prepared, you can take an online exam for a nominal fee ($20) which will give you
a "Certificate of Completion" for this course.

If you are preparing to take the FOA CFOT exam, keep your certificate as documentation of your knowledge.

Notes on taking the exam: The exam is taken online with an automated testing system. It may not be available on some company networks or VPNs. Taking the Fiber U Certificate of Completion Exam requires making payment for the exam online through PayPal using a credit card or PayPal. The payment system is not available everywhere in the world, so it may not be available in your country. If so, the exam is not available to you. Check here to see if PayPal is available in your country.
Read More.


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Table of Contents: The FOA Reference Guide To Fiber Optics

(C)2012-20, The Fiber Optic Association, Inc.