Fiber U   Basics

How To Get Your Certificate of Completion

How are fiber optic networks installed?

Get a "Fiber U Certificate of Completion"
Now you have completed the Fiber U online self-study course, you can now take an online exam and, when you pass the exam, get a "Certificate of Completion" for this course. You should complete all lessons including taking the quiz ("Test Your Comprehension") at the end of every lesson. When you think you are prepared, you can take an online exam for a nominal fee ($20) which will give you
a "Certificate of Completion" for this course.

Please note: receiving this Fiber U Certificate of Completion does not include FOA certification but it does become documentation of your knowledge of fiber optics and should be part of your portfolio of documented knowledge, other training and work experience that can qualify you to apply for FOA direct CFOT certification through the FOA "Work to Cert" program.

For more information on the FOA and its certification programs, go to the FOA page on certification.

For information on the FOA "Work to Cert" direct certification program for those with industry experience, go here.

Fiber U Certificate

  • The Fiber U self-study programs offer you the opportunity to take this exam and when successfully completed, receive a "Fiber U Certificate of Completion" for your work.
  • You should not take this exam until you have completed all the Lessons in the Fiber U course online and completed all the Quizzes at the end of each lesson plan. You may take the exam three times over a 90 day period if you do not pass the first time.
  • The references for all questions on the exam is the Fiber U course online and its references to FOA textbooks, YouTube videos and Online Guide.
  • You must pay a registration fee to take the exam and get a Certificate of Completion. The fee is $20US payable by credit card or PayPal.
  • If you do not pass the exam on the first try, you have a second chance within 90 days.
  • Your registration information and scores will be sent to Fiber U.
  • Print and keep your certificate. I will be useful as proof of study should you decide to pursue other certifications.

  • You must first complete all lessons of the Fiber U Online self-study course and successfully complete an exam on the course.
  • The exam is multiple choice, multiple answer and true/false questions.
  • You must answer every question - no questions may be left unanswered.
  • You may go back during the exam to change your earlier answer.
  • The test is closed book and has a time limit.
  • Each test is unique - questions are chosen at random from a large selection and randomized (about 10E64 - 10 and 64 zeroes -possible combinations!) If you take the test a second time, you will get a different exam.

Notes on taking the exam: The exam is taken online with an automated testing system. It may not be available on some company networks or VPNs. Taking the Fiber U Certificate of Completion Exam requires making payment for the exam online through PayPal using a credit card or PayPal. The payment system is not available everywhere in the world, so it may not be available in your country. If so, the exam is not available to you. Check here to see if PayPal is available in your country.

Take The Exam

When ready, go to to register, pay and take the exam.

Detail Directions For Taking The Fiber U Certificate of Completion Exam   


Table of Contents: The FOA Reference Guide To Fiber Optics

(C)2012-14, The Fiber Optic Association, Inc.